Weiser books
The Alchemical Visions Tarot Cards Weiser Books
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The Alchemical Visions Tarot and this accompanying book present the cards as a journey or rather, as a process known in alchemy asthe Great Work (Magnum Opus). The ancient alchemists used thisterm to describe working with the prima materia to create the Philosophers Stone. But here we are not concerned with the transmutation of matter perse, but how the Great Work is a metaphor for the process of unlocking the deep secrets of the subconscious mind, the alchemical process of integrating darkness and light, the above and the below, the yes and no, the Anima and Animus, what is known and unknownthe process of individuation,self-consciousness, and becoming whole.Included: 78 large cards, 192 pp. book.Box size: 18.7 x 13.7 x 5.1 cm (7.36" x 5.39" x 2").Weight of the deck: 1088 g. (2.39 lbs.) (approx).Plastic coated paper cards.New, sealed. Printed in China.100% authentic, original Weiser Books product.